How long after extraction can I get an implant?

The greatest time is immediately following the tooth extraction If you have sufficient bone present around the extraction site to stabilize the dental implant, we may be able to place an implant immediately after removing your tooth. The implant will fuse to the bone in a process called Osseo integration over 3-6 months, after which we will place your prosthetic crown. Early implant placement is placing the implant 2-3 months after extraction, during which the bone heals, and the site is better prepared. If you have an insufficient amount of bone at the extraction site, we may first need to perform bone grafting before placing the dental implant in gurgaon . After the procedure, you may require 3-6 months to heal, and then the area will be ready for the implant. You will need to wait an additional 3-6 months. So, overall, if everything goes flawlessly, with normal healing , it takes around 3 months - 1 yr for a prosthetic tooth to be placed depending on bone condition.