ong Required For Dental Implants दंत्य प्रतिस्थापन ?

The procedure of dental implants is mainly a three or two phase procedure, which can vary from person to person. Normally the whole process takes from 2 to 4 months. Stages of implant प्रत्यारोपण के चरण Stage-1 (Evaluation and Preparation) Through evaluation and x-rays, the dentist finds out if you can immediately replace the missing root from past tooth loss. Ideally implant should be planned before we remove the tooth. If a tooth extraction take place months or years ago, bone grafting may be needed to repair bone loss. When your jaw needs bone grafting, it can take up to 4 months before the bone is prepared for the dental implants cost in gurgaon . Stage-2 (Artificial Root Placement) The dentist put the implant, mainly an artificial titanium root, in the specific area. The process takes 1 to 2 hours and the probable healing time is 3 to 4 months. The implant is made of titanium alloy incorporates into the jawbone during this stage. Stage-3 (Placement of the Crown) In the last a...