Webinar on Dental Care डेंटल केयर पर वेबिनार

 It is indispensable for all of us to have a proper dental care. However, the contemporary Covid era demands us to be more responsible towards our dental health. Double Helical, the leading national magazine on health in alliance with Association of Healthcare Providers India is conducting a webinar on “Dental Care in Covid Era” on 10th October 2020 between 3 to 5 pm. The participants of the webinar will be experts in the related field.

The moderator will be Dr. A. K. Agarwal. He is the Professor of Excellence, Medical Advisor, Innovation, Education and Clinical Excellence in Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. Besides, he is the Additional Director General for Health Services in Government of India.

The key speaker will be Dr. Mahesh Verma. He is the Vice Chancellor in Guru Govind Singh Indraprasth University, New Delhi. Moreover, he was the former Director in Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, Delhi.

The list of eminent speakers takes in:

Dr. Sangeeta Talwar: She holds the position of the Director in Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi.

Dr. Suresh Ahlawat: He is senior dental surgeon in Muskaan Dental Care, Gurgaon.

Dr. Abhishek Kukreja: He is Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, New Delhi.

Dr. Deepti Sharma: She is the dental surgeon as well as root canal specialist in Nagpur.

Expert Group:

Dr. Girdhar Gyani: He holds the revered post of Director General in Association of Healthcare Providers (India).

Dr. Vijay Agarwal: He is the President of Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organizations.

Dr. Vinay Agarwal: He was the former National President of Indian Medical Association.

Dr. Suneela Garg: She is the Director Professor in the department of Community Medicine in Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.

The prime focus of the entire conversation will be on the importance as well as efficient ways of suitable dental care in everyday life.


  1. Thanks for giving us nice info. Fantastic walk through. I appreciate this post
    Dental Webinar


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